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How to Clear Cache on MacBook Pro – Overview
Cached data consists of various temporary files in a reserved area of your computer. According to Apple, cached data on your MacBook Pro enhances the download speeds of Apple software and the data you store in iCloud.
Cached data achieves this by “keeping content that local MacBooks, Apple TV devices, and iOS devices have already downloaded.” Additionally, cached data is available for other devices to retrieve without using the internet.
Caching data is particularly beneficial if your Mac is connected to a cable internet instead of a Wi-Fi network. However, Apple states that you’ll experience the best MacBook performance when connected to your Wi-Fi network using Gigabit internet.
Nevertheless, when your MacBook is configured to cache data, this data must occasionally be cleared to allow your computer to run more efficiently. Clearing the cache enhances app performance. With that said, let’s explore the various methods of caching data on a MacBook.
What are the Types of Cache in MacBooks
There are two main types of cache: application and system cache. The application cache, sometimes called user cache, is the data associated with your apps that is saved to prevent it from being loaded each time you use the app, thereby making your apps run faster.
While this seems advantageous, there are some disadvantages. For example, if you work with high-resolution images or large video files, your MacBook could store a significant amount of data related to your edits.
Similarly, if you play games on your MacBook, you might lose space for game saves. Application data can consume significant space; if you’re no longer using the application, the cached data you no longer need could still be lingering on your MacBook.
As expected, the system cache is macOS-generated data that helps your MacBook function smoothly. Since it is connected to the OS, we advise against removing any system cache unless you are certain about what you’re doing.
Deleting cache can be risky if you’re unsure of the process, especially concerning system cache, as you could accidentally delete files essential for your Mac’s smooth operation.
The Cache Clearing Process: Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcuts can make clearing your Mac’s cache extremely easy and quick. Here’s how to do it:
- Press and hold Shift + Command + G with the Finder window open.
- Enter the following prompt into the search box: ~/Library/Caches

How to Clear Cache on MacBook Pro
3. Click on ‘Go.’ This will reveal the folder with all of your MacBook’s cached files.
4. Next, press and hold Command + A to select all folders.
5. Then, click Command + Delete.
6. A pop-up notification will ask you to confirm that you have deleted all those files, and you will need to enter your MacBook’s passcode to complete the action.
Note that you will likely see a folder if you open windows.
Cache Clearing Process: Without Keyboard Shortcuts
If your MacBook keyboard is having issues or the command buttons are no longer reliable, you can still erase the cache on your Mac. It just takes a bit more time; here’s how:
1. Minimize all windows so that the toolbar at the top says ‘Finder.’
2. Next, click on ‘Go’ and then on ‘Go to Folder.’
3. Enter the following prompt into the text box: ~/Library/Caches.

How to Clear Cache on MacBook Pro
4. Click ‘Go’ to access the folder with all your MacBook’s cached files.
5. Click ‘File’ in the toolbar at the top of your screen.
6. Next, click on ‘Move to Trash.’
Enter your Mac’s passcode in the action verification pop-up to clear the cache.
Cache Clearing Process: Safari Browser
Safari is slightly more complex than other browsers; you can erase caches and all other website histories from the menu bar.
However, if you need more precision, here’s how to clear the cache in Safari:
1. Begin by clicking on ‘Safari’ in the top menu.
2. Click on ‘Preferences.’
3. Click on the ‘Advanced’ tab.
4. check the box next to ‘Show Develop menu in the menu bar.’
5. Then click on ‘Develop’ in the menu bar.
6. Select ‘Empty Caches.’
Note: After you click ‘Empty Cache’ on your MacBook Pro, that’s the first step. You must empty your ‘Trash’ for all removed caches to be entirely deleted from your MacBook Pro.
Final Thought
Cache data works wonders for MacBooks but can accumulate and slow down your MacBook’s performance over time. Hopefully, this guide will be all you need to free up gigabytes of valuable storage on your MacBook by clearing the cache.
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