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Nikon vs. Canon DSLR
Nikon or Canon; it’s the Coke or Pepsi for photographers. While some photographers will swear by Canon, others will insist that Nikon is the better option.
So which camera is better?
Well, that’s a matter of opinion. However, that doesn’t mean that the individual camera brands don’t have features that make them more ideal for one kind of photography over the other.
When comparing Nikon and Canon cameras side by side, you will see a lot of similarities, such as a wide variety of accessories and solid image quality.
Still, there are plenty of differences, some of the understated, others not so much.
1. Build
When it comes to design, you should pick whichever brand feels most comfortable. However, Canon has a couple of nifty ideas up its sleeve that make using its cameras easier.
Canon cameras have settings storages which you can use to remember saved settings using a physical switch. Although Nikon has a similar feature, it’s not as fine-tuned as Canons.
For example, with Nikon, you can only retain a maximum of two presets as opposed to three in Canon’s case. Canon is the undisputed champion of design and build.
2. Design
Most Nikon cameras are made in Thailand or China, with only the most pricey models being made in Japan.
On the other hand, Canon assembles and makes almost all of its models in Japan, even the relatively affordable ones.
What’s more, Canon also makes all of its lenses in Japan, unlike Nikon. Due to this, entry- and middle-level Canon models tend to be better when it comes to building quality.
Nikon uses plastic parts in most of their lenses, whereas Canon makes shrewd use of metal in their lenses.
3. Image Quality
Since both Canon and Nikon are close competitors, it’s unlikely that you will find any significant difference between the stills taken by Canon and Nikon cameras.
When it comes to ISO performance, Nikon is a bit ahead of Canon.
The ISO on Nikon’s flagship model, the D6, can be increased to 3, 280,000 resulting in better performance in low-light conditions.
All in all, if you shoot in low-light conditions, Nikon cameras will produce better images. In any other situation, both Nikon and Canon are relatively equal.
What’s more, performance benchmarks rank higher when it comes to dynamic range.
However, this is not a fair comparison because it doesn’t result in any obvious variation in real-world conditions. In the cinematography sector, Canon has in the past been better than Nikon.
Canon has always provided better video features to users faster than Nikon.
The gap between Canon and Nikon has been bridged when it comes to video performance, but Canon is still ahead of the game; it offers better video AF (autofocus) and has a long history of making high-quality video lenses.
4. Lenses
When it comes to lenses, Canon has always been ahead of the game. Both Nikon and Canon have a broad variety of lenses at all price points.
However, Canon’s venture into lenses was with premium ultra-pricey lenses, whereas Nikon had budget offerings.
Nikon and Canon have models for all common focal lengths. However, both companies also build lenses that cater to very particular needs.
Therefore, it’s good to be aware of the various kinds of camera lenses and their usage instances too but what’s right for you.
No brand comes close to Canon when it comes to innovation.
The 17mm f/4 L TS-E lens is the broadest entire-frame tilt-shift lens, while the 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 IS II is the first DSLR lens to feature an LCD that shows the depth of field and focal length.
5. Product Range
One could argue that both Nikon and Canon have enough cameras across all budgets. However, Canon has one of the cheapest DSLRs, the EOS Rebel T7 costing about $450.
Although it has bare-bone features, it’s a very viable option for utter beginners who cannot afford to spend lots of dollars on a camera.
See Also: Best DSLR Cameras for Beginners
On the other hand, Nikon’s cheapest DSLR offering is the D3500 which costs a bit more than Canon’s option at a little under $600. This difference is justified because Nikon’s offering has a bundled lens kit and a better battery life compared to Canon’s option.
Final Thought: Who Comes Out On Top?
All in all, a comparison between Canon and Nikon is always hard because both brands have been present in the market for several decades.
Still, we have to pick a winner, and that’s Canon. Canon has better build and design quality as well as better features for taking videos.