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Apple Launches New Shot on iPhone Challenge
Just like every year, Apple launches its new year’s “Shot on iPhone challenge” today. The aim behind coming up with this challenge is to get feedback about their new iPhone’s camera.
The new iPhone 13 series comes with a unique Macro lens to capture professional-grade Macro shots. This challenge is all about submitting Macro Shots taken from iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max devices.
If you are a proud owner of Apple’s new generation iPhones, then you can submit your work to take a part in this challenge. The new “Shot on iPhone” challenge allows you to submit impressive photos taken by you on your iPhone 13’s native camera.
How to participate in Apple’s Shot on iPhone Challenge?
Entering your entry in Apple’s Shot on iPhone challenge is pretty easy. All you have to do is just use the hashtags #ShotoniPhone and #iPhoneMacroChallenge. Yes, you can use these hashtags on Instagram, Weibo, or Twitter by uploading your Macro Shots.
While uploading the photos using these hashtags, users should also mention the device from which they have taken the Macro Shot. Besides these social networks, users can directly submit their entries via email. Apple is also accepting entries from the users who have taken impressive and quality Macro Shots.
To send your macro shots via email, you can use [email protected]. Enter this email ID and then attach your macro shots taken from iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhones. Make sure to add the name of your Phone.
You can also add some more information about the photographs that you have attached while using the email method to submit your entry for this challenge.
Those who are interested to participate in this challenge can upload their photos directly from Apple’s Photos app.
However, Apple is also accepting applications from users who have edited their Macro Shots using the standard Photos app. Yes, the edited Macro Shots can also be submitted by the users by following the suitable method.
Interestingly, users who have edited the macro shots from other applications or software i.e. third-party apps are also accepted by Apple for their Shot on iPhone challenge. Make sure that the photos are taken from the iPhone’s Macro mode.
This challenge is only open for users of 18 years or above age. It is not open for Apple’s employees. If you are a part of Apple’s family, then you cannot take part in this challenge.
What should be the Criteria of Photos?
Apple iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max users who are willing to participate in this challenge must take care of the following things. The company has listed down some tips for the participants. Every participant must follow these tips before they upload their Macro shots on the social networks or their email Id.
- Make sure that the photo you have taken is closest to the subject. The macro shot requires a subject as close as 2 centimeters.
- The Primary Point of the focus must be at the center of the object. The center point is the prime area of the Macro Shot.
- Tap the viewfinder to adjust and set the primary focus point while shooting a Macro shot on iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro max.
- Shoot at 5x and Apple’s Camera will automatically adjust the shot accordingly. The camera app will also change the shot to Macro mode and you will get the perfect and quality Macro shot.
- Follow these tips every time you try out the Macro mode on your iPhone. The subject must be close to the camera and the focus must be at the center of the frame.
How will they decide the Winner?
The submission procedure is still open for iPhone users who want to take part in this challenge. Once the submission procedure is closed, Apple’s panel will go through the shots one by one submitted by the users from across the globe.
The experts’ panel will check the quality of the photos and the angle of those stunning macro shots. After checking all the entries, they will make a list of 10 entries with their details.
The winning photos will be uploaded and celebrated on different platforms of Apple such as Apple’s Newsroom, Apple’s Instagram Account, Apple’s Website, and other platforms as well.
Moreover, Apple will use the winning photos in its future campaigns for creating billboards, advertisements, and more. The same photos might be used In Apple stores to promote the new Macro Mode of the iPhone 13 series.
Deadline for Shot on iPhone Challenge
The Submission period is still open and will be up until February 16, 2022. The panel of experts will start reviewing the photos submitted by Apple users from across the world. The winners will be notified around April 12, 2022, i.e. on the results day.
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